August 20, 2019
Wim Boydens moderator of VCB 10th Energy Congress
Boydens Engineering participated in Vlaamse Confederatie Bouw (Flemish Building Confederation), 10th Energy Congress. The theme of this years’ conference was ‘Construction & Energy: benefits for the customer due to the building envelope and techniques’.
Ir. Prof. Wim Boydens was moderator and presented the workshop ‘Energetic challenge of non-residential buildings’, one of three parallel workshops presented and discussed at the conference.
This workshop focused on instruments to encourage the energy efficiency of governmental and commercial buildings. The energy performance of a building depends on a concatenation of different components in the building process that have to be attuned to each other. How can we achieve efficient and cost-optimal energy-efficient buildings from design to post-execution. In addition, expectations are increasingly higher in terms of maintenance, because it determines the permanent performance of a building.